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Baden Sports Baden Sports

Official Ball

Baden Sports is proud to be the Official Ball of the following organizations. We strive to serve the athlete with the best quality ball for their sport. 

Perfection Elite Basketball (BX7E/BX6E)

Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA)

Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA)

Montana High School Association (MHSA)

Nebraska Coaches Association (NCA)

Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA)

Phenom Basketball

Texas Girls Coaches Association (TGCA)

South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA)

Top 3 Basketball 

Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA)

Washington Interscholastic Basketball Coaches Association (WIBCA)

Washington State Girls Basketball Coaches Association (WSGBCA)

Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA)

Perfection Volleyball (VX5EC)

Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA)

Idaho High School Activities (IHSA)

Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA)

Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA)

Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA)

Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA)

Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA)

Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL)

Montana High School Association (MHSA) (Lexum Volleyball VX450C)

Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA)

North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA)

Oahu Interscholastic Association (OIA)

Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association

South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA)

Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA)

Perfection Thermo Soccer Ball (ST7)

Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA)

Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA)

Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA)

Montana High School Association (MHSA) (Thermo ST350)

Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA)

Oahu Interscholastic Association (OIA)

South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA)

Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA)

Perfection QB1 Football (F7000L)

Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA)

Oahu Interscholastic Association (OIA)

South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA)

Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA)

Tournament Official Ball
Official League Balls (2BBG)

Baseball Elite Houston

GSL Tournaments

PAC Sports Texas

Seattle Elite League

Triple Crown Sports (National) 

USSSA South Texas

USSA Washington 

West Coast Premier Tournaments 

High School Associations

Perfection PRO Baseball (3B-PPRO)

Interscholastic League of Honolulu (ILH)

Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA)

Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA)

Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA)

Washington State Baseball Coaches Association 

Collegiate Partners

Perfection PRO Collegiate Baseball (3B-PPRO-CL)

Expedition League

M.I.N.K Baseball League

Northwest Athletic Conference (NWAC)

Perfect Game Collegiate League

Puerto Rican Collegiate League  

Pacific International League 

West Coast League

Fastpitch Softball

Perfection Softball (2BSFPY)


Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA)

Interscholastic League of Honolulu (ILH)

Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA)

National Softball Association (NSA)

Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA)

Northwest Athletic Conference (NWAC)

USA Preps

USA Softball

USSSA Softball 

Slowpitch Softball

Models + Specs Defined by Association

Garland Softball Association

NSA California 

USSSA Northwest